Crypto currencies 💰💰💰


So I was so happy to read an article about crypto currencies in my last Cosmopolitan mag because it is something I am kind of obsessing about right about now 🤓🤓🤓 

Yah I am really geeky with computer stuff I did study IT 👩🏻‍🎓 hehe 😉 





So I recommend anyone to get in if you are not in already because it is getting too big to ignore I mean if I had gone in when I first heard about it I would have been a millionaire 💸 but oh well.. important thing is it is not too late, I found a good article for anyone interested as well 🙂

I use coinbase and binance for exchange and trade but I’m sure there are many other good ones out there! If you know any better ones please do let me know 🧐 

Coinbase have quite some assets available and if you have some time on your hands you can end up replacing your 9 - 5.. I love my career tho for so many other reasons but you never know 🤞🏼


Binance is also very reputable and yah does what it says on the tin really 

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