
Ahhhhh writing time.... sweet moments... sometimes just writing down something makes me feel like i am letting off steam even if i dont write sboyt what im thinking about necessarily or going somewhere with a bottom line.. it still does skmething to me in a good way and i feel happy writing into space just like that.. anyway i wanted to write about emotions and how they can have a will of their own are they just an expression of whatever we are msde up of or can we really steer them with logic and willpower? Like love for example they say you cannot force love but some elder generations will say love grows and the sweetest romantic couples are usually the elderly dying generation.. so can you choose a mate based on profile and then grow in love or are you better off following your heart to that compete jerk that dont really love you the same or do you wait for that cliche soulmate thing so many people will have different answers i mean thats just an obvious example but even in other thjngs like some people just live by emotions while others plan and calculate their life differently.. i just find it fascinating how emotions dont always comply to our logic and i am so curious as to how we are suppose to manage that mlrally, ethically etc. i could feel like robbing the whole of a Gucci shop and just bathe in all them handbags but logic will tell me the only place ill end up bathing is in prison so my moral compass will navigate me or also some dumb colleague at work that i just feel like punching gets off with a polite smile while im looking at how many days until payday.. so dear emotions what are you really? Like unconditional love it is the most wonderful thing ever like when you fall in love with your newborn baby and just know that this love is eternal unquestionably unending and limitless yet some sadly suffer loss and that emotion then comes under attack and other emotions eat up that pure light innocent love and gets transformed into loss emptiness like a vacuum of missing the person every second.. Some people as well are extreme where their emotions transform them into monsters emotionless monsters without mercy compassion or empathy.. as for me I am trying to understand this as I am in a phase where I want to forgive and love someone that my emotions do not want to forgive someone that has hurt me and made me angry to the point where this emotion called hate wants to grow and corrupt my heart but I am trying my best to figure out true forgiveness to someone that is not sorry just for my own peace of mind.. and no its not my man lol however it is someone significant to me and of course I could live and die and never see the person again but within me I reaqlly want to gwt to a point where I understand and acknowledge my emotions but I still find a way to channel them for good. I will continue on my quest........

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